Tuesday, May 30

woohooo... an FO...

that's not a sock!

i finished the Duet tank the other day. love it. even if the photos of me in it aren't terribly flattering, the top turned out great. i think it just needs one adjustment. after wearing it for a few hours the straps really stretched out, so i'll need to shorten them if i don't want any more cleavage showing.

i've been working on a cute little tank top for my daughter in Sirdar's Breeze. she decided frills would be perfect along the bottom edges, so i pulled out what i had finished and put on frills. they are pretty cute. but i have to admit, while it knits up fast, plain stockinette is pretty boring to work on.

so i cast on for the Lotus Blossom Tank in IK's summer 2006 issue. i'm just using some cotton from my stash. i think i may change the shoulders and straps a bit... one minute i like the way it is in the design, the next i think i might like straps that are thinner and all one width...

i guess i'll decide when i get to that part of the pattern.

happy knitting!

Tuesday, May 23

woohooo... Jaywalkers in Trekking (# 105)! Jaywalkers that FINALLY fit!

i'm glad the weather is still on the chilly side today because i'm going to enjoy wearing these babies!

the only thing that looks a bit off is the top corners of my heel turns... what's with the little hole there? i've done that heel on pretty much all of my socks, this is the first time i've had a noticable wonky stitch. meh.

so... i've been thinking... maybe i should rename this blog 'an uncleverly named SOCK knitting blog' since it seems all i knit are socks. really... i knit other garments, but socks are just so fast, easy and portable that they get higher priority.

i will show you the finished Duet tank as soon as i get it sewn together (so what i'm really saying is don't hold your breath, you'll probably see more socks here before that tank gets the finishing touches).

Tuesday, May 16

still around... still knitting

i don't get to update here as often as i had hoped i would. the kids and i have been busy trying to get in shape... long walks every day and swimming every second day. the thing is, they're kids... when we get home they're still full of energy and run out back to play. but me? not so energetic. i get home and flake on the sofa with some knitting for a while. is this a sign of age?

so while i'm flaked on the sofa knitting i'm usually thinking 'i could take some photos for the blog now...' but the i realize the camera is upstairs and the motivation to update is drained by the thought of stairs.

so here i am, before showering, before eating breakfast, before taking the kids out for a long walk, before doing any sort of homeschooling whatsoever... in other words, i have energy to do what i've been dying to do for weeks: find the camera, take pictures and update.

i finished an evil Sockotta Jaywalker that fits great in every way... except i knit it too long for my own foot. i'm not going to rip it out AGAIN (how can i... look at how the stripes lined up so perfectly through the heel!) so they're going to be gracing my mother's mahvelous feet instead of my own.

and i've been working on a lovely tank top for myself out of Sirdar's Duet. i'm *almost* done. Duet is a funky yarn that looks pretty neat knit up, but i'm not very happy while working with it. i have 'mom hands' and any tiny little bit of dry skin that's clinging to my forever-cleaning hands snags on Duet and pulls at it, leaving little bits of pulled up fuzz. so it's been a slow project because i've only been working on it when my hands have been treated to a good dose of hand lotion.

okay... now i'm off to do all the other stuff that leaves me a mere lump on the sofa usually wishing i had the energy to update ;)

Monday, May 1

socky disappointment

doesn't that Jaywalker look lovely there? it seems so perfect! the colours are great, the yarn is fun, the pattern was fast and easy. and that sock is the fruit of my third go with Jaywalker and Sockotta. i cast off on it this afternoon with a big sigh of 'finally!' and spent some time admiring my lovely new sock.

and then i tried it on. well... tried to try it on. i couldn't get it on. i pulled. i yanked. i held the sock in my hands and stretched it as much as i could. i pulled again, yanked some more... finally after much struggle i managed to wiggle my poor foot into that sock. you don't even want to know what i had to do to get it back off again...

what a bummer, really. and even though it's the cutest sock i've ever made, it's a mahvelous thing that yarn can be unravelled just about anywhere or i might still be wearing the too-tight Jaywalker.